我们如何设定阶段性里程碑来完成目标呢? 这就有了 SMART Objectives.
1. Specific: 短期目标应当是非常明确的和具体的. 比如ETL里面,不是构建一个数据仓库, 而是将product_id成批转换成production_name, 冗余数据.
2 Measurable:怎样知道何时完成了目标? Measurable和Specific亲密相连,通常的和抽象的事物不容易测量,而容易测量具体的明确的使用数字定义的事物.无法测量就是不够明确. 循序渐进,按阶段分解,设定短小目标,走一步,量一步
3 Achievable: 从你现在所处的位置,制定一个可以实现的短期目标;目标必须是合理的,现实的,客观的.
比如,在一周之内用新学的编程语言写出"世界,我来了!",是合理的; 但是,在一周之内使用神经元网络优化程序写出一个互联网应用框架和用户界面, 是不太现实和客观的.
4 Relevant:目标相关性就是,它是对你重要的,充满热情的,可以支配和掌控的.
5 Time-Boxed:对每个阶段目标设定硬期限. 不然,目标就会枯萎凋零,最终丢弃一边. 总之,设定许多小的里程碑,完成一件,前进一步,倍感鼓舞.
那么还等什么呢.赶紧试着SMART objectives分解你的目标,设定阶段性里程碑式样的目标吧.
The Date
June 28th 2009
The Float
Skutz Falls to Marie Canyon - 2hr ride, not including optional time spent beached
Equipment needed
- Tube - If you don't have one, we can buy them at the local tire shop in Duncan for $20 or Zellers in Tillicum Mall has These for $24 (BESTEST TUBE EVEEER!!!!)
- Beverages - What ever you feel like drinking (NO GLASS BOTTLES ALLOWED)
- Cooler(s) - Communal, if anybody has a big cooler that would be great
- Cooler Tube - Gets blown up around the cooler to keep it a float and safe (also acts as an emergency spare)
- River Shoes - I use a old pair of runners, some sort of footware is a must(IMO)
- Rope - Or bungy to tie tubes to the trucks
- Sunscreen!!
- What ever else you might want to bring
The Time Line
- 9 AM - Meet at ABE
- 9:30 AM - Leave for Duncan
- 10:15 AM - Buy Tires and Snacks if wanted
- 10:30 AM - Buy Beverages and head off
- 11:00ish AM - Start Tube ride
- Enter time warp time can not be quantified
The Tubers
- Doug - Have Car will drive
- Megan - Has Car if needed
- Charlie - Will go if I can find someone take care of my puppy and my shin wound recovered.