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    Thursday, September 04, 2014

    如何在工作生活中 高效管理时间 ~ GTD + Workflowy + Tomato


    鄙人迟钝, GoLang 还没有修炼到可以分享的程度.

    如果大伙不嫌弃, 九月份, 鄙人可以跟大伙分享一下我5年的 GTD 使用经验, 如何使用 Workflowy 和 西红柿, 在工作和生活当中 高效的管理时间.


    鄙人的 twitter 的一些摘抄,

    任务多,忙起来 以后,仅仅使用GTD是不够的。一定要采用 GTD 加 西红柿工作法,两者互相配合,威力暴增,工作效率和产出率陡然上升。

    来了项目三个月,终于开始干活了。任务多,忙起来以后,GTD方法就开始显示威力了。作为GTD初中级用户,着重DRY,每天 Review 任务优先级,善用 waiting box 和 trash box.

    Charlie 木匠 | Database Architect Developer

    Wednesday, July 09, 2014

    USA telecom jobs 美国工作机会: data migration Project Manager

    继续上干货.  有兴趣的请留言. 或者发邮件: dba.myra  at gmail

    Rate: $80+ / hour.
    If you have any friends that has very strong Project Management data migration skills? Please take a look at the job description below and let me know:

    Project Manager – BSS Transformation
    Position Name: Project Manager - BSS Transformation - Testing
    Status: Open
    We need a strong candidate, PM who has had significant data migration skills. Please send resume ASAP. Preference would be local Seattle.

    Scope of Work: 
    7+ years of experience in managing complex systems integration projects.
    Strong technical background with proven track record of managing complex BSS systems.
    PMP certificaiton preferred.
    Experience in establishing project controls to ensure controlled progress, including TEST MANAGEMENT, reporting, tolerances and governance structures.
    Deep knowledge of Project Management and Quality Management concepts and principles.
    Sound knowledge of telecommunication technologies and trends.
    Excellent skills in Test Management is required.
    6 month renewable contract (this project has plans to go through December 2015)
    Location: Washington-Bellevue
    Target Assessed Level: Project Manager II
    Weekly Pay Rate – discussed with candidate on the phone when recruiter receive’s resume.

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    phishing scam your google account 新型谷歌账号盗取伎俩

    最近出现了一种新型的企图盗取谷歌账号的欺诈手段, 比QQ和微信的各种手法更加隐蔽,更加恶毒. 大伙看仔细了.

    貌似华人所为, 出现了江苏徐州字样.

    我亲爱的华人同胞们呀,有这些聪明才智,怎么就不用到正道上呢? 为什么呢?

    好了, 请看这个小伎俩的详细介绍, 谨防上当受骗.

    1) 冒充 google 官方邮件发信, 告诉你有人企图登录你的邮箱. 骗取你的信任.

    no-reply , 或者类似别名.

    google给出了警告信息, 但是不够醒目:
    This message may not have been sent by: Account@gmail.com  Learn more  Report phishing

    2) 告诉你时间, IP 和 地点. 进一步骗取你的信任.

    Friday, June 13, 2014 2:30:44 PM UTC
    IP Address:
    Location: Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

    3) 显示一个 google 风格的按钮,让你重设密码, 链接到骗子自己的网站.
    链接地址里面有 google 字样, 以假乱真.

    [Reset password] , URL: http://mail.google.ormeco.com.ph/

    4) 落款还显示了google 公司地址等一堆真实的官方信息. 再进一步骗取你的信任.

    * 识破骗局 *
    我就奇怪了, 重设密码, 为啥还要再次输入用户名? google自己肯定知道我的用户名的邮件地址.


    欺诈邮件内容 屏幕截取 Snapshot :

    Someone recently tried to use an application to sign in to your Google Account.

    We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt:

    Friday, June 13, 2014 2:30:44 PM UTC
    IP Address:
    Location: Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

    If you do not recognize this sign-in attempt, someone else might be trying to access your account. You should sign in to your account and reset your password immediately.

    Reset password

    If this was you, and you are having trouble accessing your account, complete the troubleshooting steps listed at http://support.google.com/mail?p=client_login

    The Google Accounts team
    This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.
    You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google product or account.

    © 2014 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    Seattle to Victoria trip 西雅图到维多利亚的旅行线路



    5号路北上,开车两小时,到 Anacortes 小镇, 搭乘华盛顿州轮渡 到悉尼市,然后开车南下到维多利亚, 坐船3小时, 开车15分钟.
    步行者: $19,
    连车带司机: $68,
    停车费: 每天$10,

    Jun 15, 2014 - Sep 20, 2014

    Anacortes, Sidney B.C.
    8:25  ,    11:05
    2:50  ,     5:00

    Sidney B.C. Anacortes
    Noon ,      2:10
    5:55 ,      8:30

    可以停车在Anacortes码头, 节省船票, 早点上船,抢占联排椅子,可以一直躺着睡觉,跟火车卧铺差不多了.

    2014-06-20 :

    关于停车: 1,2,3号停车场经常会爆满. 私人停车场稍微便宜一些, $7,$8一天.
    山坡上的备用停车场(overflow parking)很大,总有空位,也多走不了几步路.
    从2号停车场南端入口,可以开上去. 还有一条trail小石子路, 从 2号停车场北端入口走上走下, 下了船,除了海关,走一会儿迎面就可以看见.

    停车收费: 记住你的停车位号码, 按照停车时长, 在入口电子收费器 交钱, 可以用信用卡, 收据随身带上, 方便回来找车, 也方便以后超时补缴费.



    从西雅图市中心,一直向东,开车3小时,到达 天使港 Port Angeles 小镇. 搭乘黑球公司的私营轮渡,航行90分钟,到达维多利亚.

    镇上的西餐: Next door. 中餐: Tendy's Garden 自助餐, 顶饱.

    缺点:船上停车位特别拥挤, 从 西雅图 到 Bainbridge Island,需要摆渡一次,等船浪费时间.

    Victoria: 10:30am, 4pm
    Port Angeles: 8:20am, 2pm

    Vehicle & Driver $63, Passenger $19

    5号路一直向北,开车3小时,过了美加边境,和平门海关,再到Tsawwassen 小镇搭船,夏天每小时一班,航行90分钟.
    连人带车 $72,
    步行者: $17

    优点是BC省轮渡公司的班次特别多,从早上7点,到晚上10点. 停车位宽敞. 船上设备精良.

    Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Parking, 码头过夜停车信息:

    1.  BC Ferries : $16 / day

    2. Park & go,
    1406 Tsawwassen Drive
    Delta, B.C. V4M 4G2
    (604) 943-9991

    For parking near Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, there is a good option available. The Tsawwassen Ferry Park N' Go is a large lot located at the end of the causeway before the ferry terminal entrance. This parking lot is much larger and the rate is a flat CAD 10/24 hours. Additional hours are charged at CAD 1/hour, up to the daily maximum of CAD 10. A complimentary shuttle runs between their parking lot and the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal front entrance.

    Clipper 快艇.  不能开车. 从西雅图市中心,到维多利亚市中心, 两小时40分钟.
    单程票价每人$100, 往返$180, 提前一周预订,往返大约$120.

    缺点是贵, 容易晕船的朋友,需要经常走到二层甲板上吹冷风.




    Swartz Bay 搭船, 车 $55, 人 $17.

    奶磨市 搭船,到温哥华。



    BC / Seattle border wait time, 海关等待时间查询:


    维多利亚 的游玩推荐:

    我老婆认为室内最好的景观是出海看鲸鱼. 许多外地人喜欢去宝翠花园, 去一次就够了, 毕竟是人工的.


    近处, 开车一小时,有 East Sooke 公园, 维多利亚该有的景色,这里都有了.
    海滩,海景,山崖,草地,树林,山坡. 好像没有湖泊.

    远一点, 继续沿着14号公路,顺着欢徳福卡海峡向东,有 French beach, China beach, Mystic beach.
    China beach 有著名的黑沙滩.
    French beach 都是粗石子.
    Make Mystic Beach a perfect day trip to Victoria.
    If you want to catch a taste of Vancouver Island’s wild West Coast,
    but don’t have the time to make the trip to Tofino,
    head out on West Coast Road past Sooke to hidden Mystic Beach in Juan de Fuca Provincial Park.

    走到头,是欢徳福卡海峡和太平洋交汇的小镇 Renfrew, 住一天也不错. 尽头有个饭馆,能吃饱,宽敞温馨,有海景.  这里还有必须带小孩探索的 Botanical Beach, 著名的 tide pool, 没赶上退潮而留下的各种小动物.


    近处有 Duncan市, 和 Cowichan lake 大湖周边的一些小镇子, 都非常悠闲安宁. 比如: honeymoon bay, 听着就有诗意.
    可以在 B & B (bed and breakfast) 或者 motel 住一两天.

    这一带最令人兴奋的游乐项目就是淡水漂流, Cowichan river. 全世界排名前十位,鄙人评选的.
    水深平均约半米,偶尔会有激流冲击的深潭. 带上充气轮胎,气床,只要是能浮起来的东西 就行. 再专门带上一个冰箱,放满啤酒和大麻,一边漂,一边喝,一边吸,总共漂大约三个小时,缓缓而下,乐不思蜀.

    安全提示: 下游有悬崖激流, 早几百米就开始有多处警告牌,赶紧上岸,小命要紧.

    更详细的漂流介绍, 可以参考 开吻 的博客. 链接在右上角.


    西边: Tofino 太平洋西海岸国家公园: 听涛观海浪, 还有十三公里长的细沙粒沙滩, 大片温带雨林, 4号公路,路过几个巨大的湖泊.

    北边: Parksville 和 Qualicum Beach. 大片的浅水温暖沙滩.

    最北边, 开车550公里, 小镇port hardy, 只有5000人, 规模却很大, 还有著名的野生黑熊公园 Cape Scott.
    北端西头, 有小镇 Port Alice, 翡翠上的珍珠, 一定要去住两天, 在饭馆喝着茶,就可以看到海峡里面的鲸鱼喷水,海豚跃出水面. 珍贵的原始生态.
    小镇唯一饭馆的香港华人老板娘叹息三个孩子不善经营餐馆,远走高飞. 她总想让我继承她家的大业, 不知怎的就看中了我做接班人, 颇为有趣.
    他们家经常夏天出海钓鱼,给我描绘鲸鱼围扑三文鱼的宏观场景,邀请我同去,总是没机会(找借口), 各种石斑鱼,鳕鱼味道好极了. 东南亚人少,华人少, 这里很容易钓到又大又鲜美的生猛野生螃蟹.

    如果看官您恰巧夏天路过 Port Alice, 我可以介绍您给餐馆老板.


    Q: 需不需要预订船票?
    A: 如果赶时间,一般都需要预订,悉尼这条线路不多收预订费. 其它航线需要多收一二十块钱的预订费.  步行者不需要预订.


    Charlie 木匠

    Thursday, May 29, 2014

    USA telecom jobs 美国工作机会+获取绿卡: 电信计费业务专家

    咱直接上干货.  有兴趣的请留言. 或者发邮件: dba.myra  at gmail

    1. 美国工作机会+工作签证+绿卡: 电信计费业务专家。 特别适合中国大陆人士 来美国。
    Rate: $80+ / hour.

    雇主提供 H1b 工作签证, 远程电话面试。

    Contact me you or your friends resumes that have System Integration Systems experience in Telecom Billing and Order Management Systems from China.

    Billing Transformation Senior Solutions Architect.

    Ericsson is the world's largest telecom services provider, supporting operators in creating competitive, attractive and appealing offerings to consumers. Our technology leadership, business understanding and extensive experience of managing telecom and IT projects make Ericsson the market leader in telecom services.
    The key to our success is our people, those who have the right mindset, competence and ability to achieve our business objectives. What we look for are employees who are customer focused, have a consultative and entrepreneurial mindset and take great pride in customer satisfaction. We value accountability, flexibility, a sense of urgency, strong team work and the ability to adapt to changes and take ownership.

    The Ericsson BSS CSI Organization works very closely with Engagement Practice and Customer Units. We help drive sales strategies and manage solution design and delivery.
    The BSS CSI Organization provides high value services in the areas of BSS Transformation Programs, Convergent Charging, Billing, and Customer Relationship Management Solutions. Within these areas we deliver product-near and product-far CSI services.
    The team’s mission is to grow revenues in BSS by transforming Ericsson’s business into the System Integration and Consulting domain.
    As a BSS Transformation Solution Architect you are part of a CSI Organization in Region North America responsible for Presales as well as Delivery of Business Support System (BSS) and IT solutions and services across all industries.


    This is a position as a Senior Solution Architect for Business Support Systems (BSS).
    The successful candidate should be a natural leader capable of building and growing customer relationships at all levels. As a member of the BSS team you will be a leading figure in the Service Delivery capability for Region North America (RNAM).
    A background in System Integration and sound experience in the Solutions Architect role for BSS solutions is essential to this role. Superior interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to communicate at all levels are an absolute must. The candidate must have strong leadership, organizational, and strategic skills, as well as a dynamic and engaging personality.

    The successful candidate will direct, coordinate and administer pre-sales and delivery opportunities. This includes:

    • Actively support the sales and delivery of billing transformation engagements, working with the Customer Units and Engagement Practice organizations.
    • Be responsible for the IT systems architecture for large-scale billing transformation projects in complex BSS environments.
    • Manage solutions with new and existing multi-vendor BSS products for all types of service providers including wireless, wire-line, cable, or utilities. 
    • Work with the customer to develop a vision for billing transformation.
    • Respond to RFIs and RFPs, and ensure quality and consistency of scope, and cost estimates.
    • Map business requirements to functionalities, perform gap analysis and provide solutions for customer business requirements.
    • Scope the project and engineer the desired solution.
    • Drive transformative consulting engagements.
    • Act as the technical lead for solutions, with a high level of Customer interaction and co-ordination with Product Development Units, Operations & Competence Centers and the Customer Technical and Marketing Teams.
    • Lead the project and manage and guide teams as Customer Solution Responsible (CSR).  
    • Drive BSS CSI services business across the telecom and IT domain. 
    • Engage in on-site consulting for BSS system integration projects and ad hoc consulting assignments.
    • Establish a solid relationship with the customer aimed at increasing Ericsson credibility as the primary partner for delivering transformation programs and in doing so clearly articulate the scope and benefits that would be delivered.
    • Find new business opportunities based on expanding existing customer solutions as well as creating new ones.


    • BS or MS in Computer Science, or Computer Engineering or acceptable equivalent.
    • Over 10 years of IT experience designing and integrating telecom BSS solutions related to Billing, Customer Relationship Management, and Order Management.
    • At least 5 years of experience implementing solutions involving BSCS or Amdocs as Billing Platform.
    • Any other deep knowledge of COTS billing platforms is an advantage.
    • Strong understanding of BSS components and integration with other systems.
    • Understanding of operational and maintenance issues related to billing systems.
    • Strong knowledge of telecom billing processes and standards for wireline, wireless providers is a must.
    • Good knowledge of cable service providers is an advantage.
    • Ability to drive large scale complex business transformations with processes, solutions and operations.
    • Experience with Business Process Definition and Re-engineering.
    • Established experience and good abilities to communicate and articulate value propositions at customer C-Level.
    • Have the technical expertise to be recognized by the operator as an authority figure.
    • Have the Experience, Ability, Professional and Business Skills to operate comfortably in some of the largest and most strategic business deals Ericsson will have in RNAM.
    • Experience in consulting, business systems analysis, end-to-end solution design, development and implementation of large-scale integrated systems.
    • Knowledge of eTOM, NGBSS, TAM, ITIL, TOGAF and SID framework for designing solutions for service providers.
    • Knowledge of 3GPP standards; CAMEL, Gy, Ro, Sy.
    • Charging mechanisms for emerging technologies: IMS, LTE, VoLTE, M2M
    • Data charging and policy control
    • Offline roaming mechanisms, TAP/RAP etc
    • Product catalogue integration
    • Experience working with Billing Systems and CRM systems for a wireless carrier is a plus.
    • Experience with Mediation or Prepaid platforms is a plus.

    Product Knowledge:

    The more knowledge from the following list of Ericsson /vendor products the better and is a clear advantage:
    • Ericsson MultiMediation, Comptel Mediation or other
    • Ericsson BSCS billing alternatively Amdocs CES or Ensamble
    • Convergys Billing
    • Ericsson Charging System
    • Ericsson Mobile Broadband Charging
    • Ericsson Charging & Billing in One

    Required Personal skills:

    • Exceptional Customer Orientation and Consultative Skills, Consultative Selling Ability. 
    • Exceptional Communication skills (Presentation, Interpersonal and Influencing Skills). 
    • Establish and maintain a solid relation with key BU and DU contacts and provide feedback to R&D.
    • Excellent oral and written English skills.
    • Ability to lead and motivate others and work in a team environment.
    • Problem Solving Ability and Creative Thinking.
    • People-, Team work and collaboration skills. Ability to take a leadership role and lead a team and work under stressful situations, meet tight deadlines and deliver services with high quality. Previous track record within Project Management or Team Leadership experience is a definite advantage.
    • Broad Technical Acumen.
    • Knowledge of market insight and competitor intelligence.
    • Financial Understanding

    Looking forward to hearing from you. 

    Charlie 木匠

    Tuesday, May 06, 2014

    first day in Bellevue/Seattle 西雅图贝勒府上班第一天




    和新领导已经 1o1 一小时了。 一个好领导,比啥都重要。 理解,倾听,心态开放.

    我每两周跑一趟。 比开吻好些,他一边跑,找了个一千块钱的特价机票,就高兴的不得了。要知道,现在加拿大温哥华到中国的往返机票才六七百。

    能够在微信谈这么久,说明比上一家公司 Myra. com 还轻松 淡定 有条不紊。

    Thursday, March 27, 2014

    Canada income tax 加拿大人上缴多少税?




        二, 每个省的收入税略有不同,一般在联邦税的一半以下,以BC省为例,共有5级:

        第一级 : $37,013以下,交5.06%;
        第二级 : $37,013-$74,028,交7.7%;
        第三级 : $74,028-$84,993,交10.5%;
        第四级 : $84,993-$103,205,交12.29%;
        第五级 : $103,205以上,交14.7%。



        2013年加拿大报税政策又有了一些细微变化。联邦政府 宣佈,从2013年1月1日开始,个人免税储蓄帐户(TFSA)每年的免税额由原来的5000元每年提升至5500元。对于大多数加拿大人来说,他们的 CPP可领取最高数额可以每月增长25.83到1012.50元不等,或者每年增长12150元,而OAS福利金,按季度调整,每月可从1.09调升到 546.07元。


    项目      2013年  2012年
    个人免税额 $11038 $10822
    长者免税额 $6854 $6720
    配偶免税额 $11038 $10822
    薪资抵扣额 $1117 $1095
    残障抵扣额 $7697 $7546
    孩童扣抵额 $2234 $2191
    亲人抚养额 $4490 $4402
    净入息限额 $6548 $6420
    残疾儿童补贴 $4490 $4402
    最低收入门槛 $3333 $3268




    Tuesday, March 04, 2014

    蒸馒头 Chinese steam bread



    * 准备酵母菌:
    40℃温水,50ml, 白糖一匙(teaspoon),发酵粉yeast两匙

    * 准备面粉
    面粉900ml, 冷水450ml, 倒入长好的酵母菌,和面。可以用筷子搅均匀,揉成一整团就行了,

    * 揉面
    切成小块,揉成馒头形状,二次发酵20分钟, 室温即可。

    * 蒸


    简单吧? Simple is beautiful !

    Any questions please let me know.  有问题,请留言。

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    SQL Techniques 周六维多利亚 IT Club 分享

    首先祝各位 马年健康快乐,马上来钱,马到成功,龙马精神,万马奔腾, 春风得意马蹄疾。


    SQL Techniques 周六IT Club分享
    时间: 1月18号 星期六 下午2点半
    地点: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd. EBC church second floor meeting room.

    主讲人: 木匠

    本次主题是: SQL Techniques.

    终于康复了70%, 赶紧回来跟大伙分享数据库知识, 为社区做贡献。



    What do you need to write “good” SQL

    The Schema Matters

    Knowing what is available

    Using rownum (yes, to 'tune')

    Scalar subqueries


    Some hints

    Don’t tune queries!

    Other things

    Materialized Views

    With subquery factoring


    Access Paths

    There are a lot of them

    There is no best one (else there would be, well, one)

    A little bit of physics

    Full scans are not evil

    Indexes are not all goodness

    How the data is managed by Oracle

    high water marks for example

    IOT’s, clusters, etc

    What your query needs to actually do

    Is that outer join really necessary or “just in case”

    Charlie 木匠 | Database Architect Developer