2008冬天 三个月 Victoria IT Club 节目单:
10月18日,本周六的知识共享主题是: 可扩展性网站架构
-- 之 如何构建一个低成本线性扩展的数据库系统.
-- To scale the transactional throughput of a web-based system.
11月主题: 爬山 Mount. Finlayson, 体力差的,观赏三文鱼洄游.
12月主题: TDD(Test Driven) and QA自动化, 正在寻找主讲的志愿者, ...,欢迎您主讲.
-- 报酬: 木匠 请您到 温哥华 Richmond 老四川 暴食.
有钱的捧个前场,没钱的捧个人场. ^_^.
Victoria IT Club hold free IT Seminars on 3rd Saturday 2:30pm every month at
EBC church second floor meeting room. After each seminar we'll play
basketball at Church Gym. www.ebcvictoria.ca
Address: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.
p.s. 参考:
1) BASE: An ACID Alternative
2) Scalability Best Practices: Lessons from eBay (Partition and Asynchronously)
*) 老朋友 Fenng 的 系统架构方面的文章汇总.
3) 金鱼溪
10月18日,本周六的知识共享主题是: 可扩展性网站架构
-- 之 如何构建一个低成本线性扩展的数据库系统.
-- To scale the transactional throughput of a web-based system.
11月主题: 爬山 Mount. Finlayson, 体力差的,观赏三文鱼洄游.
12月主题: TDD(Test Driven) and QA自动化, 正在寻找主讲的志愿者, ...,欢迎您主讲.
-- 报酬: 木匠 请您到 温哥华 Richmond 老四川 暴食.
有钱的捧个前场,没钱的捧个人场. ^_^.
Victoria IT Club hold free IT Seminars on 3rd Saturday 2:30pm every month at
EBC church second floor meeting room. After each seminar we'll play
basketball at Church Gym. www.ebcvictoria.ca
Address: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.
p.s. 参考:
1) BASE: An ACID Alternative
2) Scalability Best Practices: Lessons from eBay (Partition and Asynchronously)
*) 老朋友 Fenng 的 系统架构方面的文章汇总.
3) 金鱼溪
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