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    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    Amazon DBA team info exchange 书店DBA技术交流

    周五吃完午饭,和Amazon DBA team 进行了技术交流,
    (Amazon上个月收购了我们公司AbeBooks, 下文详解)

    我其实想问问 西雅图(Seatle)那边的DBA市场, 当时人多, 没有好意思问.
    希望以后人员交流, 派我过去工作几个星期.
    维多利亚(Victoria)距离西雅图比较近, 隔着欢德福卡海峡(Strait of Juan de Fuca),坐船一个小时.


    *) suggest move away from RAC for OLTP database, remove one big central database, function split to many small databases, Amazon got 100+ databases.

    - Cluster ware down, database down
    - one instance hang, database hang
    - painful global lock control
    - Lot’s of issues with RAC
    # Add database file make RAC database hang (happened in Amazon)
    # enq-US (undo segment management) cause slow Global cache/message transfer

    *) Suggest Open source Linux over other Unix

    *) Suggest cross platform and cross Oracle version standby database to help upgrade, will check the configuration certification to confirm it.

    *) Suggest batch commit (SQL> COMMIT BATCH NOWAIT) for Inventory data loading row-by-row auto commit jobs

    *) Oracle Active Data Guard Option enables real-time read-only access to a physical standby database to offload queries, sorting, reporting, web-based access,

    *) Enable fast-start failover to fail over automatically when the primary database becomes unavailable, proven stable,

    we’ll implement above 2 options after upgrade to in 2009 spring.

    亚马逊的OLTP数据主要跑在10.2.0.4, 他们对11g第一个补丁集还不够放心.

    今日提示: 来自 Pythian Group Blog » Log Buffer #119

    Oracle 刚刚发布是早期Data Modeling工具, 这里下载, modeling download

    main data modeling page: Modeling


    Anonymous said...

    拜讀大作, 收益良多.

    有一問題望您不吝解惑:若Amazon將database分散為若干子系統,如何在database的角度上實現整個商業流程(business process)?

    舉例來說,一筆完整的訂單牽涉[訂單流程][異動庫存][物品配送]等等,若以上流程不存在於單一database,是否以database link來串聯所有的data呢? 還是有其他更好的方式? 畢竟過多的database link難以管理...


    Unknown said...

    To 同名 Charlie 兄,

    答案就是Remove 2 Phase Commit, 请参考:

    1) BASE: An ACID Alternative

    2) Scalability Best Practices: Lessons from eBay (Partition and Asynchronously)

    *) 老朋友 Fenng 的 系统架构方面的文章汇总.