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    Monday, November 28, 2011

    Behavioral Interview Guide 面试如何回答非技术问题

    碰到软技能问题, 鄙人就头晕, 经常被动的被引到阴沟里, 不欢而散.
    最近学习了一篇文章, 豁然开朗, 分享之.

    以不变应万变: 以客户为中心,发现问题(收集信息),解决问题(罗列数据,用事实说话),超越期望.


    积极鼓励(Courage), 就是说敢于坚持正确的方法,敢于冒险,敢于创新,创造一个互相信任的环境, 还要有耐心和感染力, 鼓舞队友.

    创造性(Creative), 包括采用非常规方法,或者重用以前的证明可行的解决方案,或者在现有方法的基础上做尽量少的修改, 以最简单的方法解决当前问题; 可以意识到明天的问题,但是不必过分担忧,不必立刻行动.  
    - 鄙人以为,创造性常常是和"懒惰"联系在一起的, 想方设法快速高效完成任务,就可以多点时间玩耍了.

    画龙点睛, 除了引用你们团队骄人战绩,一定要说出你的职责,贡献,使用的工具和方法,以及处理过程.


    Behavioral Interview Guide - Part 1

    There are 2 formulas for cracking the behavioral interview. SMART and STAR.
    The SMART format stands for Situation with Metrics, Actions, Results, and Tie-in. The last item, Tie-in, is key. It neatly links the response back to the employer’s competency question, allows the individual to inquire further into the employer’s needs, and helps focus the conversation on how the candidate can DO the job instead of simply AUDITION for the job.
    An alternative formula is STAR. STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result(s).

    Here is the 1st topicResults and Performance Driven

    The questions for you (the interviewee):

    (1) Think of an example when you consistently exceeded internal or external customer expectations. How did you do it? What approach did you take? (For the interviewer: Repeat the question for a situation when customer expectations were not met. (谈完长坂坡还要准备谈走麦城)

    (2) Tell me about an example of what you have done to obtain information to better understand a customer. What did you do? How did this information improve your customer service?

    What the interviewer looks for:

    Goal oriented; remains persistent when obstacles are encountered; encourages others to be accountable for their actions; relentlessly focused and committed to customer service/satisfaction; thinks creatively.

    Key positive examples:
    ·       Assumes personal ownership and accountability for business results and solutions – holds self accountable for complaints and flawless execution; eagerly accepts stretch goals; uses appropriate measures to identify success; takes personal responsibility for decisions and delivering results.
    ·       Makes the customer central to all thinking – takes action and makes decisions that successfully build customer value; challenges others to make the customer the center of all thinking.
    Forms for the interviewer to fill out (the STAR approach):

    Oh, one very important thing to remember: don't just tell us what your troops did. We want to know what your specific role/contributions was/were.

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Balance the weak point 你的弱点

    回答弱点这个问题. 要点是不能和工作岗位的核心需求发生冲突.

    做技术, 忙于钻研技术,完成任务, 弱点是管理, 比如管理项目进度, 特别是管理人.

    做架构师, strategic thinking and global vision, 目光长远,全盘构想. 弱点是有时候记不清楚技术细节, 比如某个参数的设置, 某个应用场景的某段程序的详细代码.

    做产品经理/项目经理, 可以说不太懂Java script, 比如有一次应急,靠着现学现卖,拼凑修补,解决了一个燃眉之急. 缺点还给说成了优点, 这是上上策.


    Try to be a hero, 刚刚从[Rework]这本书里面学到的, Don't be a hero.

    本来计划花两个小时安装的一个Cassandra分布式数据库监控工具,结果花了四天时间,还没有搞定,又舍不得放下. 这四天时间,我可以干更多其它有价值的事情.

    你的弱点是什么呢? 有点思路了吧.

    Monday, November 07, 2011

    Career development 第一位,跟对人,找一个好老板.

    无论是寻找新的职业发展机会,还是评估当前的工作晋升机会. 李开复开出的这张加权计算表很有意思,具有重大参考价值.

    好老板, 乘以五.
    学习创业, 乘以四.

    Tuesday, November 01, 2011

    Christmas Holidays 2011 放假的季节

    So here is what the scheduled days off during the Christmas season look like:

    Dec 23rd - ½ day off
    Dec 26th – full day off
    Dec 27th – full day off
    Dec 30th – ½ day off
    Jan 2nd – full day off