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    Tuesday, July 06, 2010

    Advancd DBA career 职业进阶

    收到OraPub Craig 的一封培训广告, 关于Advancd DBA career 职业进阶, 有点价值.

    # 架构师比数据库管理员多赚20%或者更多.
    # 架构师懂得如何做简单的预测分析.
    # 从数据库管理员到架构师是一条可选的职业发展方向.
    # 可以短期在一个季节里面练习和实践紧急恢复数据,以及扑救糟糕的性能故障,但不能当成职业干一辈子.


    #1. Architects earn at least 20% more than database administers.

    #2. Architects know how to do basic predictive analysis.

    #3. DBA to Architect is a common career progression.

    #4. Ensuring backups are good and constant firefighting can be for a season...not a career.

    If you are ready to jump start your career, the question becomes, "How do I start?" One of the key elements with all architects is their ability to anticipate performance, risk, and utilization. They know how to answer questions such as, "What's going to happen when we place this SQL statement into production?" Or, "Does it make good
    business sense to upgrade our CPUs?" Or, "Can our database server handle the load in nine months?" The ability to answer these types of questions is career empowering. And of course, the inability to
    answer these questions is career limiting.

    If you are like most DBAs you would like to move your career forward.
    Here's how: learning how to forecast performance.

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