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    Friday, September 29, 2006

    The commute

    If you're waiting for someone to give you their approval to move forward with your plans, you're wasting your time. You don't need any approval from anyone to do what you want to do today ... could you be looking for an excuse to put things off a little longer? Silly you -- don't you know that procrastination is out of style? Pick up your feet and get moving toward what you want right now, because there's no reason for any hesitation. Just get up and go!

    I missed the bus #8 this morning.

    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    星象预测 Daily extended (by Astrology.com)

    Nonstop activity keeps you extremely entertained today, whether you're watching from the sidelines or you're actively involved. If you do choose to hop into the middle of the action, you can sway the entire crowd and make a real difference -- so consider rolling up your sleeves and diving in. You'll have the energy you need to stick with it through to the end. Right now your diplomacy skills are only outmatched by your ability to charm the pants off of anyone.

    你信吗? 准不准 不好说, 不过话语激励鼓舞.

    今天又要午间足球友谊赛了,希望能有建树 打入一球.

    和老高的FootsBall 进入第三轮赛点 match point, 我一定取胜!

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    四川 自助餐 (SiChuan buffet lunch)


    每逢有新的华人老乡加入公司,我们就出去会餐,这次由 老高(高尔夫)提议,前往 四川 自助餐, $10.
    各人扶着墙进 扶着墙出 大快朵颐.

    Friday, September 22, 2006

    Habits of Highly Effective DBA

    干了12年Oracle DBA, 职位到了 Data Architect.

    1) Seven Habits of Highly Effective DBA

    2) The Non-Technical Art of Being a Successful DBA

    Hope you have time to read them.

    Here is something what I learned.
    • Change control
    • SLA (360-Degree Review Process)
    • Design review + communication with business unit
    • Naming convention
    • Document
    o Repeatable Processes
    o Corrective Action Reports

    And what I did and am doing,
    • The Foot Rule of Thumb (experiment and create your own rules of thumb)
    o test, experiment and learn
    • Instrument the code

    * Binding
    * Set based process
    * Benchmark

    The answer is as always, find the better way, benchmark it, and the numbers will speak for themselves.
    Ref from: On HTML DB, Bulking Up, and Speeding - Ask Tom

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    在加拿大 老朋友变得疏远了

    原因很多 我只想在这里说一个实例

    我老婆和她的中学同学 二十年的至交 在国内频繁通信来往

    可是自从2001年后 MeiMei移民加拿大 互通日渐稀少零散
    到现在半年才打一个电话 我是常常鼓励鼓励我老婆打个电话过去问候一下
    比如前两天 蒙特利尔 大学枪击案 总该关心一下老同学吧

    如今MeiMei小孩长大 自己考了建筑师执照 找到新工作 可以舒缓一口气了吧


    Sunday, September 17, 2006


    本来请了两天年假,加上周末,一共四天,打算去Tofino露营 搭帐篷。
