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    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    2012 Vancouver DBA job 温哥华数据库管理员工作机会

    一个待遇比较好的工作机会. 却是在赌博行业,被一个1997年离开中国甲骨文的维多利亚的老朋友深深的鄙视着.  ;)
    2006年的时候,这个职位给110k基本工资, 现在应该更高了. 全看你个人的薪水谈判能力. 

    如果需要学习提高如何谈判薪水的能力, 看这里: 

    http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/40440/201108/7295.html  -- 职场人心:谈判薪水的艺术


    Client Location: Vancouver
    Duration: Permanent
    Contact:  博客留言, twitter留言, 或者给鄙人发邮件.

    Job Description:
    As a member of the development DBA team, you will be responsible for
    the Oracle database platform central to our software applications and
    Data Warehouse/BI platform. As a technical leader with a strong
    delivery focus, you will collaborate with all levels of the
    organization including software and quality assurance engineers to
    deliver software that is highly available and scalable.

    -Collaborate with data and application architects to determine the
    appropriate logical and physical architecture, including table
    layouts, indexes, data, storage schemes, etc. for OLAP environments
    -Contribute to development of data warehouse from analyzing business
    requirements to development of design, ETL code development and
    testing using standard and in-house ETL tools
    -Technically assess current infrastructure, design and implementation
    of scalable platform to support growing demand of users and processes.
    -Facilitate database design and development through liaising with
    individuals across functional departments to gather knowledge and gain
    a strong understanding of all enterprise systems and business
    -Understand business change requests and how to manage stakeholders expectations
    -Communicate objectives and approaches with a variety of audiences
    including: business stakeholders, executive management and technical

    Additional Job Info:
    -Expert knowledge of data warehousing on Oracle 11g/Unix platform (at
    least Oracle 10g) -Hands-on and proven leadership experience in
    designing and building enterprise portal, reports and analytics with
    professional report building software packages -Experience with
    JasperSoft BI Suite or other business intelligence software is
    required -Must have a high comfort level with report terminology and
    concepts such as drill-down, roll-up, aggregation, cross-tab etc.
    -Experience with in-house developed or off-the-shelf ETL tools -Expert
    knowledge and experience in writing complex SQL and PL/SQL code
    -Ability to write Technical specifications, presentations, training
    materials, user documentation, and technical documentation -Proven
    ability to demonstrate initiative, take responsibility for timely
    delivery and ensure customer satisfaction  Software is a world leader
    in online interactive technologies, bringing life to the e-gaming
    experience of thousands of users daily.  is an Agile software
    development shop using Agile Scrum methodologies with a number of
    cross functional teams focusing on the design, development, testing
    and implementation of our expansive software product suite (listed at
    www..ca). We are currently growing our team and have an opening for a
    Development DBA. Founded in 2004,  is comprised of the best and
    brightest professionals from a wide variety of disciplines, including
    software development, quality assurance, database administration and
    product management. The company culture is dynamic, contributing to an
    employee experience of fun and creativity!

    Top 3 Skills (stack ranked) :
    1. Dimensional Modeling 2. ETL 3. Oracle

    Work Environment (culture, deadline intensive, flexible hours, dress code) :
    Very deadline intensive, fast paced environment. Not your typical
    gaming environment - a little bit more on the conservative side, but
    still a very young, keen, motivated group, who work together in a
    collaborative AND team-driven fashion. Business casual dresscode,
    relatively flexible hours.

    Business Challenge Client is Tasked with Solving :
    Software manages 12 Product lines, with consistent upgrades on the go
    for at least 6 of them, at any given time. Their 3 largest products
    are: eCommerce, Management Tools, AND Casino.  runs some of the
    highest traffic websites in the world. Downtime or crashes in the
    system due to scalability issues or defects is not an option. A
    non-functioning gaming site could cause a massive loss in revenue and
    customer loyalty.

    Who is the Internal/External Customer? (i.e., end-user or end-client) :
    The external customers are the participants who play 's online games.
    The internal customers are those at  (developers, marketing, etc.) who
    use the information from the databases.

    Impact to the Internal/External Customer? (i.e., how does the
    end-users job become easier?) :
    By having a DBA, they can liase with other groups at  in order to use
    the data and information to benefit the organization in order to
    create a wider variety of quality gaming platforms and a stable,
    secure ecommerce system for end customers transactions.

    Project Stage/Lifecycle Info :

    Technical Environment :
    Oracle, Java/J2EE, Jaspersoft BI Suite, Apache, VMware, TestComplete)
    and a number of web and open source toolsets/technologies such as
    JMeter, Maven, Hudson Continuous Integration, Subversion, CentOS,
    JBoss, Spring, ActiveMQ , HTML5, etc.

    Non-technical Skills (i.e., communication, problem solving, etc.): :
    - Strong verbal and written skills, and an ability to present within a
    small team - Mature, professional demeanour and work habits -
    Resourceful, ‘can-do’ attitude, ability to identify potential problems
    early and make decisions - Excellent troubleshooting skills - Ability
    to work under minimal supervision - Strong team-oriented attitude -
    Must be flexible in nature, a proven problem solver, and possess a an
    ability to mentor - Strong desire to break software in a creative, but
    controlled manner

    EVP (why would someone take this position?) :
    At  you will be working with a great blend of best-in-class enterprise
    technology (e.g. Oracle, Java/J2EE, Jaspersoft BI Suite, Apache,
    VMware, TestComplete) and a number of web and open source
    toolsets/technologies such as JMeter, Maven, Hudson Continuous
    Integration, Subversion, CentOS, JBoss, Spring, ActiveMQ , HTML5, etc.
    Long term, permanent employment, with lots of opportunity for
    advancement AND career progression. Great location, with exceptional
    benefits, vacation and the promotion of work/life balance. Our
    innovative approach to technology, our outstanding perks and benefits
    and our amazingly talented employee base make  Software one of the
    best companies to work for in Vancouver.


    Charlie 木匠
    Database Architect, 汉唐 田园牧歌DBA

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    九一八 国耻日 回顾历史 展望未来 2012_9_18

    今年的打击日货闹得很凶, 发生了一些失去理智的打砸抢, 深表遗憾, 鄙人就不参与.
    打击日货,贵在坚持. 海外华人可以做出更多的贡献,对中国的经济损失更小.




    可我生在中国,流着中国人的血. 这些烙印是我们一辈子没法改变的,只能记住历史,奋发图强,从我做起,自强不息,避免悲剧重演,写出新的文明辉煌的历史.

    1970年12月7日,大雪过后东欧最寒冷的一天. 当时的联邦德国总理维利·勃兰特冒着凛冽的寒风来到华沙犹太人死难者纪念碑下。他向犹太人死难烈士纪念碑敬献花圈后,当他伫立凝视一幅幅受难者浮雕时突然双膝跪在死难烈士纪念碑前湿漉漉的大理石板上, 长跪不起,并发出祈祷:“上帝饶恕我们吧,愿苦难的灵魂得到安宁。”勃兰特以此举向二战中无辜被纳粹党杀害的犹太人表示沉痛哀悼,并虔诚地为纳粹时代的德国认罪、赎罪。

    日本呢? 日本人呢? 他们是不会认罪的. 他们反而颠倒黑白,不承认侵华战争,企图篡改历史.
    对付日本,唯有强大,经济上强大. 然后像美国人一样,靠强大的武力打垮日本,它才会屈服认错.

    好了,希望你抽空,了解一下日本侵华战争. 下次选择日货的时候,不会显得那样麻木.



    內容尚屬公允 ( 數百名抗日犧牲將領名單中,所有均屬國軍,中共僅有左權一人而已。)

    歷史紀錄片:國殤(1937-1945)歷史是一面鏡子 它能照見過去 也能警惕未來..............

    This is what every Chinese must see.


    第一集 - 第四十集(1937年-1945年)

    《國殤》 第一集 重返盧溝橋 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj7lWDz-sY8
    《國殤》 第二集 人為刀俎 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5we3Of8I49c
    《國殤》 第三集 四十年長跑 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMjkvzxUMl8
    《國殤》 第四集 槍桿子與政權 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbqvxRSloJo
    《國殤》 第五集 安內?攘外? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w73sTeoOHHE
    《國殤》 第六集 焚風滿樓 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4q3bng_8BE
    《國殤》 第七集 乾坤一變 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJHlrtfcQlc
    《國殤》 第八集 最後關頭 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04CZUHiu36g
    《國殤》 第九集 淞滬會戰(上) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09152P3lzDs
    《國殤》 第十集 淞滬會戰(下) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEHbXbXf5KE
    《國殤》 第十一集 南京保衛戰 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhTSZQGkSZU
    《國殤》 第十二集 南京大屠城 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwSsARS-osc
    《國殤》 第十三集 喋血長空 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wc0b2-LDBU
    《國殤》 第十四集 破釜沉舟 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTWjy99UbW4
    《國殤》 第十五集 徐州會戰(上) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tu3qkAjaIM
    《國殤》 第十六集 徐州會戰(下) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU6k4x0Bu9s
    《國殤》 第十七集 大遷徙 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3qWKYoHVlE
    《國殤》 第十八集 武漢會戰 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xQ7qlUCvo
    《國殤》 第十九集 另一個戰場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfTpEyWeeqM
    《國殤》 第二十集 烽火桃李劫 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJvp1EsjXRs
    《國殤》 第二十一集 中期抗戰 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTbbj_8k9Go
    《國殤》 第二十二集 烽煙再起 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEaXF-mWObY
    《國殤》 第二十三集 長沙會戰 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nsd93J3lb8
    《國殤》 第二十四集 禍從天降 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geC-emXQKi0
    《國殤》 第二十五集 在北风中出击 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKzxwGUtvEM
    《國殤》 第二十六集 突破封鎖線 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkvM7PSm-Qs
    《國殤》 第二十七集 火并大江中游 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3FTSLCmTMM
    《國殤》 第二十八集 赤手空拳 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzxc7W84vFs
    《國殤》 第二十九集 疾风迅雷游击战 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PFI0SGyGC8
    《國殤》 第三十集 血染的历史 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU1mdcko2N0
    《國殤》 第三十一集 死亡工厂731 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLhfAvjEUz4
    《國殤》 第三十二集 苦撑待变 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2D3Gl47A4
    《國殤》 第三十三集 悲情与豪情 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjLGgo-jRx4
    《國殤》 第三十四集 一狼、二虎、四强 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-faCfKIU7s
    《國殤》 第三十五集 蒋夫人与抗战 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0L6fexCXeY
    《國殤》 第三十六集 长夜漫漫 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE4hm2A367I
    《國殤》 第三十七集 鬼哭神号守衡阳 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVCdhYzszoM
    《國殤》 第三十八集 山穷水尽 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwxfYbreiTs
    《國殤》 第三十九集 最后的坚持 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa5pY-2KgrI
    《國殤》 第四十集 天亮前后 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPvPxtUrDmA