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    Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Cowichan River Tube Trip 漂流

    一年一度的温哥华岛自然水域漂流又要开始啦! 欢迎留言报名. 跟我的http://twitter.com/mujiang也行.
    在这里,您可以接受加拿大成人仪式, 品尝杂草(weed), 根据个人喜好选择,不存在任何强迫. 嘻嘻.

    上甘岭河(Cowichan River)是我平生见到的最好玩的漂流, 水质纯天然,清澈,水量充足,安全,偶然有一些激流(一共两处),有惊无险,赶紧靠岸就行了,胆大的可以冒进. 去年鄙人躲了,今年一定要尝试一下激流速降.

    Cowichan River Tube Trip

    The Date

    June 28th 2009

    The Float

    Skutz Falls to Marie Canyon - 2hr ride, not including optional time spent beached

    Equipment needed

    1. Tube - If you don't have one, we can buy them at the local tire shop in Duncan for $20 or Zellers in Tillicum Mall has These for $24 (BESTEST TUBE EVEEER!!!!)
    2. Beverages - What ever you feel like drinking (NO GLASS BOTTLES ALLOWED)
    3. Cooler(s) - Communal, if anybody has a big cooler that would be great
    4. Cooler Tube - Gets blown up around the cooler to keep it a float and safe (also acts as an emergency spare)
    5. River Shoes - I use a old pair of runners, some sort of footware is a must(IMO)
    6. Rope - Or bungy to tie tubes to the trucks
    7. Sunscreen!!
    8. What ever else you might want to bring

    The Time Line

    • 9 AM - Meet at ABE
    • 9:30 AM - Leave for Duncan
    • 10:15 AM - Buy Tires and Snacks if wanted
    • 10:30 AM - Buy Beverages and head off
    • 11:00ish AM - Start Tube ride
    • Enter time warp time can not be quantified

    The Tubers

    1. Doug - Have Car will drive
    2. Megan - Has Car if needed
    3. Charlie - Will go if I can find someone take care of my puppy and my shin wound recovered.

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

    scrum 群殴扭打

    如果你们也在实施敏捷(Agile)软件开发,你就知道scrum是啥意思了, 就是在一个开发小组里面,每人每天早晨简短汇报工作进度.

    每天早上的Scrum都会讲昨天干了什么,今天要干什么. 周一早上,我就说昨天我去沃尔玛采购了幼犬用品,今天继续开发在线库存系统的Database API.

    大家沉默了三秒钟,突然开始集体爆笑. 原来每天的Scrum大伙都是来报到凑个数,没几个人关心别人干了什么.